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--enable-phar=shared Do I have to recompile PHP to Install Composer?

Autoloading local composer package

php composer-php

Can't install composer on OS X

php macos composer-php

install Slim3 beta with composer?

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Mediawiki Upgrade Trouble - PHP Fatal error: Class 'Liuggio\StatsdClient\Factory\StatsdDataFactory' not found

How to use composer with phpbrew?

composer scripts use older php version

Change Composer PHP Version Path Plesk

Composer does not detect php7 instead it uses 5.6. How can I set the CLI to use php7

php laravel composer-php php-7

composer failed to open stream: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known

php composer-php lumen

Unable to install phpunit ,Conclusion: don't install phpunit/phpunit 6.5.8

Can't Install Laravel/Passport on 5.4

Why is Composer Install Failing All of the Sudden?

Why composer.json file from volume directory is not visible in composer install command run in dockerfile?

php docker composer-php

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception PharException with message manifest

phpunit with composer not working

GitHub repository autoloading with Composer issue

How can I install composer for php 5.2? [closed]

php composer-php

Yii2 installing extension from private git server - framework not see it

Suppress “Ambiguous class resolution” warning

php warnings composer-php