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New posts in compiler-construction

Compiler error while installing py-bcrypt in Windows 7

How to make lex/flex recognize tokens not separated by whitespace?

Compilers: How to parse function calls and function definitions

Can I modify the dynamic linker and use without recompiling the glibc?

System.Reflection.Emit - If Statement Generation

Are the Intel compilers worth it?

Intel C++ Compiler understanding what optimization is performed

How to invoke Rhino compiled JavaScript methods (class files) in the Java program?

What is the size of a program using LLVM/CLANG for a custom bytecode VM?

PHP accelerator vs Just in Time Compilation

Do production compilers use parser generators?

How to specify .NET version for .NET 4 C# compiler from microsoft?

Why is invokeDynamic in a class extending Dynamic not working?

Operations on 64 bits operands in 32 bit architectures?


Programming languages that compile into PHP? [closed]

Compiling object file from an intermediate file of gcc

Data flow optimisation using HOOPL

What does "out" mean before a Generic type parameter?

Which MinGW file to use as a C++ compiler

Difference between C# compiler version and language version