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New posts in commonjs

How do you author a module that is compatible with CommonJS, AMD and Browser in ES6 with Babel?

Why bother with dependencies list in CommonJS require.ensure()?

webpack commonjs

Haxe -> Javascript target for CommonJs (NodeJs) style output

Please recommend a titanium project structure using CommonJS

Webpack is loading module twice

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using systemjs on node.js (& Angular 2)

How to use CommonJS and AMD side by side in node.js

Handling global application state (not variables as such) in CommonJS projects (specifically Browserify)

Is it reasonable to use UMD with no exports, to simply augment a dependency?

How to get untyped npm modules to play nicely with webpack

How do I load AMD modules when using Angular JS?

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How do I write a TypeScript declaration file for an external commonjs module that has constructor?

How can I export a mongo database handler in Node.js?

node.js mongodb commonjs

Sharing TypeScript classes between client and server

How to make TypeScript generate a CommonJS valid module?

typescript module commonjs

Class constructor cannot be invoked without 'new' - typescript with commonjs

node.js typescript commonjs

How to include commonjs module in ES6 module node app?

What is module option in tsconfig used for?

Generating source maps from browserify using grunt

Is there a point to doing 'import type' rather than 'import' with Flow?