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New posts in common-lisp

Find function's arity in Common Lisp

SBCL warning that a variable is defined but never used

common-lisp sbcl

Common Lisp: Why does my tail-recursive function cause a stack overflow?

Differences between Sharpsign Colon and Gensym

common-lisp reader-macro

Is there an advantage to this macro?

Executing code stored as a list

lisp common-lisp

How to make Lisp forget about previously exported symbols?

lisp common-lisp slime sbcl

Can I use assoc when the keys are strings?

lisp common-lisp

Why is the @ sign needed in this macro definition?

Lispy dialects with good multi-dimensional array programming support

Is there a generic method for cloning CLOS objects?

object clone common-lisp clos

Print keys from plist based on values?

lisp common-lisp

Defining aliases to standard Common Lisp functions?

common-lisp sbcl

In lisp, how do I use the second value that the floor function returns?

lisp common-lisp

multiple-value-bind discard first value


Are there documented, organized collections of libraries for Common Lisp?

Function that just returns its argument?


Lisp - Is it good for web programming/applications (interactive) ? The way ruby is ? The way php is?

ruby common-lisp

Why is it necessary to recompile the definitions that use a Common Lisp macro when we modify it?

macros lisp common-lisp

Lisp parenthesis question