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LISP: how to get running sum of a list? (without a global variable)

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What's the equivalent of constructors in CLOS?

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Why don't reader macro extensions propagate to runtime (read)?

Custom '+' (sum) function in lisp

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Number type boundaries in Common LISP and Stack flowing over in GHCI

Webdevelopment in Common Lisp

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Why is #' (sharp-quote) notation unnecessary in CLISP?

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Defmethod on Arbitrary Type Specifiers?

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How can I copy a counter made using a Lisp closure?

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How to do a while loop in LISP

How to install new packages for common lisp without asdf-install

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how to get 64 bit integer in common lisp?

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How to initialize a string with a fill pointer in Common Lisp?

How can I SETF an element in a tree by an accessor?

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Common Lisp: How to return a list without the nth element of a given list?

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Common Lisp: first returns first, but last returns a list of last -- huh?

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Does Lisp have something like Haskell's takeWhile function?

Return list without last element in common lisp

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Why does this Lisp macro as a whole work, even though each piece doesn't work?

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getting standard input and storing it as a string in lisp

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