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How to run a java program without a console [closed]

java command-line headless

Reading positional parameters using PHP

FFMpeg working in command line but not in PHP using exec();

php command-line ffmpeg exec

HTTP testing on the command line, is there something better than cURL?

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Update local SVN repository via command line

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Jython 2.5.1: Calling From Java into __main__ - how to pass in command line args?

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nested forfiles: path and extension filter

Why aren't other modules being compiled?

Why does my C# program pause so often when running from the Windows 7 command line?

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In my command-line, why does echo $0 return "-"?

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Echo all aliases in zsh

command-line zsh zshrc

How does git, for example, create the database they use?

PowerShell: How To Create A Reference on Object Propertys

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception PharException with message manifest

Passing Python variables via command line?

How to supply sudo with root password from Java?

java linux command-line sudo

Trying to undersand how I can pass arguments from gradle to my shell script?

Scripting openssl to generate many certificates without manually entering password?

C# Cancel Windows Shutdown

Option multiplicity with docopt