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AWS SAM: An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the CreateChangeSet operation: Parameters: [IdentityNameParameter] must have values

export shell environment variable before running command from PHP CLI script

How to rename "PREFIX" in Amazon s3 via aws cli?

How to catch error when setting launchpath in NSTask

Change Colors in Angular CLI

Alias for a chain of commands

docker run --name vs --hostname difference as command line option (ping: bad address)

Email piping with php script

vscode terminal: terminate process without prompt

How to write unit tests for Inquirer.js?

python click set allowable values for option

Possible to include a command-line in a Node module without global install?

CLI references wrong npm version

Disable hooks for a single git command

Is there a module for getting user input from the command line in node.js?

How do I integrate the PhoneGap debug console with CLI?

How to create/build local app with Phonegap CLI

JBoss 7 CLI to query all the deployed applications

postcss-cli command not working

Git shortlog does not show output in Jenkins shell