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New posts in collision-detection

Circle-Rectangle collision side detection in libgdx

Calculate x/y point that 2 moving balls will collide

Java - Collision detection (glitch)

java collision-detection

Ball Collision: Balls Stick Together

Collision detection of irregular shapes

collision detection in cocos2d

Improving performance of click detection on a staggered column isometric grid

Collision Detection and Collision Response

Java Game Engine [closed]

Find the path a bouncing SKSpriteNode will take

Simple Oriented Bounding Box OBB collision detection explaining

Avoid O(n^2) complexity for collision detection

Manually edit Unity3D collider coordinates?

Circle and Polygon Collision with Libgdx

How to fix circle and rectangle overlap in collision response?

How do I calculate the Minkowski Difference between two AABBs (with no vector math)?

Collision reaction in a 2D side-scroller game similar to "Mario"

How can I randomly place several non-colliding rects?

2D Polygon Collision Detection

c++ collision-detection

3D collision detection : convex hull vs convex hull , need Position and Normal