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New posts in coffeescript

Coffeescript getting proper scope from callback method

Extending Javascript objects with CoffeeScript


grunt watch using lots of cpu on Ubuntu 12.04

Erlang questions

Within the Chaplin js framework, what do the events prefixed with ! mean?

Testing Marionette Modules in isolation with Jasmine

global helper is overriding local context in meteor handlebars template

Snake game algorithm that doesn't use a grid and the segments can move slower than their dimensions

How to share configuration variables in Nodejs application

Using ember-qunit to test controllers with a store (DS.FixtureAdapter)

variable assignment with switch in coffescript

Why is that using itemController renders a collection of empty items?

Mongoose create test data and populate without a database connection

coffeescript promise chaining with function definition

javascript coffeescript q

Coffeescript regex not matching as intended

Should I learn JavaScript before CoffeeScript? [closed]


Rails - Calling CoffeeScript from JavaScript

How can I write this lambda closure in CoffeeScript?

javascript coffeescript

Creating an app on Heroku with Django and NPM

django heroku coffeescript npm

Full Integration Testing for NodeJS and the Client Side with Yeoman and Mocha