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Singleton class in coffeescript

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How to structure app.configure in Express

Warning: input is a void element tag and must not have `children` or use `props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML`. Check the render method of null

How do I make node.js execute some code only if my file is the running file?

Backbone jasmine sinon.stub typeError

CoffeeScript and NodeJS: How do I export multiple classes?

how to robustly parse a document for any headings and build a <ul> tree of just those headings

AngularJS $http.get returns undefined and $http() is not a function

'effect' works fine in jsfiddle but not in live code ([object Object] has no method 'effect' )

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Get all instance methods of a CoffeeScript object

javascript coffeescript

Backbone Error: Uncaught TypeError: Object function (){ parent.apply(this, arguments); } has no method 'on'

why does a node.js process suddenly die on osx with no explanation in any log file?

Execute shell script in gruntfile and assign result to variable

Can you use Node Inspector with the .coffee handler?

Using Xcode with Javascript/Coffeescript and Titanium?

Better color syntax for CoffeeScript in emacs?

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Backbone.js + Handlebars each

for loop with range in CoffeeScript


Why does CoffeeScript compile a for loop in this way?

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CoffeeScript compiling: Unexpected IF

javascript coffeescript