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'effect' works fine in jsfiddle but not in live code ([object Object] has no method 'effect' )

Related, but not a fix: jQuery issue - #<an Object> has no method

I'm getting an error Object [object Object] has no method 'effect' when I try to use the effect function in jquery (doc http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Highlight). It's working fine in JSFiddle but it errors out when I run the site in Chrome or IE. The div gets shown but the effect call throws an error.

Live version can be found here: http://jsfiddle.net/jcollum/HK625/


<a id=showHowThisWorks >How does this all work?</a>    
<div id="howThisWorks" style="display: none; ">    
  <p>It works fine</p>

And this coffeescript:

$(document).ready ->

  $('#showHowThisWorks').click ->
    $div = $('#howThisWorks')
    $div.effect("highlight", {}, 10000)


Which looks like this in JS:

 $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#showHowThisWorks').click(function() {
      var $div;
      $div = $('#howThisWorks');
      $div.effect("highlight", {}, 6000);

I've tried making the $div a jquery selector on that line instead of using the variable. I've tried wrapping $div in $(). I'm still getting the error on the real version of the page. Same result in Chrome and IE9. Clearly I'm missing something about how jquery objects behave.

like image 646
jcollum Avatar asked Nov 13 '11 20:11


1 Answers

I believe that jQuery UI is not getting deployed locally: check in Firebug/Chrome etc. to verify.

.toggle() is part of core jQuery, .effect() is part of jQuery UI: in order for this not to be working, jQuery UI must not be present.

like image 155
Dave Newton Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 14:09

Dave Newton