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Formatting of JavaScript for MVC3 views

What is the perfect way to write "return" in a method

c# coding-style resharper

What is the proper way to use methods that return an enumerator in Ruby array?

Why reference an event through a variable?

c# events coding-style

What is the Java convention for using get methods inside other methods of the same class?

Performance implications of string#gsub chains?

ruby regex coding-style

Why "XXX" word in Java comment in eclipse IDE take a special style?

most readable way in XPath to write "is value X a member of sequence S"?

coding-style xpath-2.0

How to write a complicated condition

Do I have to make data private?

Testing if an object is a string

ruby coding-style

Applying clean code and SOLID principle take me so much time: normal? [closed]

efficient alternative to if (a>b) in javascript for checking a variable range

Single array argument versus multiple arguments

ruby coding-style

When would you swap two numbers without using a third variable?

algorithm coding-style swap

Tabs "can be displayed completely differently on different types of systems and editors"?

Picking the right exception handling in scala

Refactoring for loop with each iteration setting a different property

Refactoring: Replace Method with Method Object explanation

How to name iOS-related elements in code?