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Why would a digitally signed executable be treated as unsigned until viewing certificate details

codesigned kext But why not load in Yosemite(10.10)

Is it possible to resign applications downloaded with iTunes from appstore?

ios ipa codesign

codesign_allocate: error: unable to find utility "codesign_allocate", not a developer tool or in PATH

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Jenkins vs. Xcode plugin - codesign troubles

Codesign .app file in Command Line

App dies on startup but not crash report

Xcode 5 doesn't let me export unsigned cocoa application

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How to codesign and enable the hardened runtime for a 3rd-party CLI on Xcode?

osx 10.9.5 code signing V2 - signing a framework with: bundle format is ambiguous

Codesign failed on 10.12 Sierra

macos codesign macos-sierra

iPhone: Compressing .app files in command line (Mac OS X) removes CodeSigning

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Using a non-default keychain in Xcode

iphone xcode keychain codesign

Sign a Word VBA project/file via command line or other form of automation

vba ms-word codesign

Resolving codesign certificate ambiguity with multiple developer certificates

iphone codesign

Xcode does not see my developer certificate in Code Signing Identity

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How to obtain codesigned application certificate info

How do I resign app with entitlements?

Can I sign iOS apps on Linux? (Using maybe a port of codesign?)

ios linux debian codesign