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New posts in osx-gatekeeper

OS X .dmg signature lost after download

why are executables installed with homebrew trusted on MacOS?

Mac OS Mountain Lion: Is it possible to code sign applications for Gatekeeper without paying Apple for a developer membership?

Mac DMG oddity - signing and "damaged" applications

macos dmg osx-gatekeeper

Code sign Java app for OS X Gatekeeper

Bypass Gatekeeper in Mac OS X Apps without a Mac Developer Membership

Codesigning Kext with kext enabled certificate fails during kextload, "code signature invalid"

How to codesign and enable the hardened runtime for a 3rd-party CLI on Xcode?

osx 10.9.5 code signing V2 - signing a framework with: bundle format is ambiguous

Validating macOS apps that pass codesign, spctl, and check-signature but fail to run "because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed"

Unidentified developer for Java Web Start application on OS X

Failure digitally signing a Mac app outside Xcode

Non-Apple Issued Code Signing Certificate: Can it Work with Mac OS 10.8 Gatekeeper?

OS X 10.8 Gatekeeper and Java applets

Code Sign Windows programs with Apple Certificate?