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New posts in code-formatting

How can I stop Vim from joining lines when I use gqG?

vim code-formatting

How to get autocomplete for magic method __call - PHP Editors

Empty lambda expression on same line

How does the Traditional "HTML is only for content" line of thought handle dynamic formatting?

Java code formatting in intellij Idea (chained method calls)

Android Studio 2.1.1 using tabs, not spaces, even though tabs are not checked in Settings

Command line formatter for PHP and Javascript

Vim: Auto Formatting Long Single Lines

Can you recommend a CSS stylesheet that formats C# code? [closed]

c# css code-formatting

C# organizing my code

Code formatting + Line continuation in Slim

Add a blank line between static and non-static imports in Eclipse automatically

Alternative or way to force eclipse source code formatter to break line at 80 characters?

eclipse code-formatting

Force "same line" on curly braces in Eclipse formatter

How to organize Python source code files? [closed]

Eclipse JavaScript formatter crazy (i.e: too much padding)

How can I prettify Perl code generated by Perl?

perl code-formatting

Should I use block identifiers ("end;") in my code?

Inherited code: To format or not to format? [closed]