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How to find which app owns a modal window?

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How can I detect if the notification center was opened

Swift: How to observe if screen is locked in macOS

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What's the best way to validate a user-entered URL in a Cocoa application?

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Link to a constants file in Cocoa / Xcode

Mac OS X: Quickest way to kill/quit an entire process tree from within a Cocoa application

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How can I set rich text properties on a UITableView footer?

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How do I delete an entity when removing it from an array controller?

Cocoa: create drop zone for files

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How does NSTableView modify the selection of NSArrayController via bindings?

Is there a reason why I shouldn't just define #define NSFM [NSFileManager defaultManager] instead of writing it out each time?

NSURL from NSURLConnection?

allocing an object based on a string name

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Where do I find the "Collapsible Panel" Cocoa control in Interface Builder?

How can I disable the animations in an NSCollectionView

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NSNotFound, NSInteger, NSUInteger, and NSRange.location

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Get the current URL of Cocoa's WebView

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Bad text rendering with Core Animation

When should I use NSURL instead of NSString and vice versa?

Cocoa NSTextField line spacing