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New posts in cmath

Different results using same function from different libraries

c++ cmath

How to fix "error: call to 'abs' is ambiguous"

c++ cmath

Why doesn't pow(sqrt(-1), 2) return -1?

c++ cmath

clang++ doesn't compile cmath in macOS Catalina

Ambiguous call to abs

c++ macos c++11 cmath

Math interface vs cMath in C++

c++ gcc cmath

std::isfinite on MSVC

Why aren't standard library common mathematical functions "constant expressions"?

c++ c++11 constexpr cmath

GCC C++ pow accuracy

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cmath compilation error when compiling old C++ code in VS2010

cmath.h and compile errors

Why is isnan ambiguous and how to avoid it?

In C, tan(30) gives me a negative value! Why?

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How can I work around the fact that in C++, sin(M_PI) is not 0?

c++ trigonometry cmath

std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN() vs. std::nan() vs. NAN

c++11 floating-point nan cmath

Is std::abs(0u) ill-formed?

Rounding up and down a number C++

c++ cmath ceil

Why are some functions in <cmath> not in the std namespace?

c++ namespaces cmath

abs vs std::abs, what does the reference say?

c++ cmath

What's the difference between abs and fabs?