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New posts in cmake

cmake could not find required package TIFF

cmake libtiff

Standard way of knowing if find_package defines INCLUDE_DIR or INCLUDE_DIRS

c++ build cmake

Get directory above CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR in CMake

makefile cmake

Setup CMake with SFML in VS2017

Get CMake project version added by add_subdirectory


CMake - add_executable called with incorrect number of arguments

c++ cmake

How to print without newline in CMake?


How to propagate -Wno-dev to cmake using FetchContent_Declare?


Defining preprocessor in modern CMake

c++ cmake preprocessor

cmake/make (OBJECT) dependency issue--not rebuilding when header changes

c++ makefile cmake

CMake : FIND_LIBRARY problem

linker find cmake

Open source project that uses cmake [closed]

c++ c cmake

CppUnit and CMake: .cpp files get compiled twice

c++ cmake cppunit

CMake Option to Disable Compilation on Specific Files for Specific Platforms

c++ cross-platform cmake

CMake: overriding Mac OS X libfoo.1.dylib naming convention to libfoo.so.1


Cmake build in specific order

CMake and Qt5 AUTOMOC error

qt cmake qt5 moc automocking

CMake - compile with /MT instead of /MD

These compiler options into a CMakeLists.txt

c++ compilation linker cmake

How to let some file to be visiable in QtCreator

cmake qt-creator