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Atoms and references


How can I create a jar from some Scala source code?

Can you translate these 2 examples from Functional Languages 101 ? (Scheme -> Clojure)

clojure scheme

STM and alter in clojure

clojure stm

In clojure, what's the efficient way to convolve a vector by a kernel?

Clojure's funcs don't seem to work as expected when sent thru a list


redefining functions in clojure


What is the meaning of dot after a symbol in clojure


Finding the "middle element" from a vector in Clojure


How to get the largest number from a list in clojure


How can I apply 'or' in Clojure?


how is it possible to intern macros in clojure?


What does this clojure.core.typed type error mean?

How do I update a vector element of an atom in Clojure?


How to use biginteger in Clojure?

Clojure: map map

Why Doesn't Clojure provide standard library after creating new namespace?

How to iterate over a collection and have access to previous, current and next values on each iteration?


clojure - (Another one) StackOverflow with loop/recur

recursion clojure

taking java method names as function arg in clojure

function clojure macros