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New posts in class-method

Python - how can I get the class name from within a class method - using @classmethod

python class-method

Factory method for objects - best practice?

super and __new__ confusion

python class-method

Why always add self as first argument to class methods? [duplicate]

Call a class method from within that class

objective-c class-method

Cannot call a class method with [self theMethod:]

Static classes in Python

Rails –Testing named scopes: test scope results or scope configuration?

Why use classmethod instead of staticmethod? [duplicate]

How do I list all objects created from a class in Ruby? [duplicate]

ruby oop class-method

Swift Declare Class Func in Protocol

What's the difference between "class method" and "static method"?

How to dynamically define a class method which will refer to a local variable outside?

Is it bad form to call a classmethod as a method from an instance?

python class-method

How to understand the difference between class_eval() and instance_eval()?

Attaching a decorator to all functions within a class

__getattr__ for static/class variables in python

python class-method getattr

Should constructors comply with the Liskov Substitution Principle? [closed]

What's an example use case for a Python classmethod?

python class class-method

Using super with a class method