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New posts in chef-recipe

Chef Recipe How To Check If File Exists

Get IP address of node returned by chef search in recipe

chef-infra chef-recipe

how to make chef execute with a specific user and load its environment values

chef-infra chef-recipe

How to unzip tar.Z file through CHEF cookbooks

chef-infra chef-recipe

Error when running 'vagrant up' -- Too many open files - getcwd (Errno::EMFILE)

Need to refactor to the new Ruby 1.9 hash syntax [duplicate]

ruby chef-recipe rubocop

Adding role to node does not work

Platform neutral way to create a temporary file in Chef Recipe

chef-infra chef-recipe

Chef Attributes: does file name matter?

chef-infra chef-recipe

Using a Chef recipe to append multiple lines to a config file

Check if chef is running as chef-solo

How to lazily evaluate an arbitrary variable with Chef

What is the correct way to check for the existence of a nested attribute in Chef?

ruby chef-infra chef-recipe

How to query cookbook versions on a node?

DRY within a Chef recipe

ruby chef-infra chef-recipe

Why can't chef resolve my cookbooks?

How can I change a file with Chef?

chef-infra chef-recipe

How can you use a Chef recipe to set an environment variable?

Overriding attributes in the recipe

chef-infra chef-recipe

Should I use include_recipe or add the recipe to run_list?