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New posts in chef-recipe

How to use a Ruby block to assign variables in chef recipe

ruby chef-infra chef-recipe

How to get a full path of the running cookbook in the RightScale chef recipe?

Want to create a log file of chef-client execution

Make chef cookbook recipe only run once

File delete action if condition exists


How do I install dependencies for a chef handler?

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How to view Chef Attributes on a Chef Solo Vagrant Node?

How to use CHEF to run JAR? [closed]

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Install mysql cookbook with Vagrant and Chef Solo

With Chef, how to execute "resource 1" before "resource 2", conditional on "resource 2" executing?

chef-infra chef-recipe

Chef cannot get httpd depend

Chef - Run resource on other resource's failure

ruby chef-infra chef-recipe

How can I set up a dependency to a Ruby library which doesn't exist at the time Chef loads recipes?

Chef overriding attributes from another recipe in same cookbook

chef-infra chef-recipe

Chef isn't running the apt (apt-get update) recipe. Apt returns 100

Opscode Chef for Amazon EC2

amazon-ec2 chef-recipe

chef ruby gem installer failing

Chef client hanging on npm install at node-gyp rebuild

Using File::read in a provider's default.rb in Chef

Chef : How to add multiple nodes to a given role

chef-infra chef-recipe