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add/pass (exif) thumbnail to CGImageDestinationRef

objective-c cocoa exif cgimage

Image segmentation for iOS

iPhone - CGImageCreateWithImageInRect rotating some camera roll pictures

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Properly crop an image obtained from the photo library

CGImage gets stretched in CALayer

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CGImage of UIImage return NULL

Most efficent way to create a CALayer with an image in it?

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Crop UIImage to alpha

Swift accessing EXIF Dictionary

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CGBitmapContextCreateImage - vm_copy failed - iPhone SDK

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NSImage to cv::Mat and vice versa

iPhone CGContextRef CGBitmapContextCreate unsupported parameter combination

What does a correct call to CGImageCreate look like if the data provider for it uses an array created by the app?

Image decompression in iOS 7

How to create empty/blank UIImage or CGImage and manipulate pixels on it (Xcode)?

Drawing image in Swift takes forever

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Should I use UIImage or CGImage in a Swift iOS App?

ios cgimage

CGImage/UIImage lazily loading on UI thread causes stutter

UIImage created from CGImageRef fails with UIImagePNGRepresentation

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Why is my image's Bytes per Row more than its Bytes per Pixel times its Width?

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