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New posts in ceil

Why is Math.ceil not rounding upwards?

java math ceil

floor() and ceil() functions vs casting to integer in C

c casting floor ceil

Strange working of ceil() function (php)

php ceil

Getting the ceil value of a number in SQLite

sql sqlite ceil

Why does Binary search algorithm use floor and not ceiling - not in an half open range

algorithm search floor ceil

C# Math.Ceiling bug or not?

c# ceil

Excel-like ceiling function in python?

python excel math ceil

javascript - ceiling of a dollar amount

getting Ceil() of Decimal in python?

python decimal rounding ceil

floor and ceil with number of decimals

python numpy floor ceil

What's the difference between the pair of functions floor()/ceil() and min()/max()?

max min floor ceil

Ceiling of a number in JSTL/EL

jsp jstl el ceil

How to round up a number if it's not an integer?

scala double ceil

C++ round a double up to 2 decimal places

c++ rounding cin ceil

Rounding up and down a number C++

c++ cmath ceil

Ruby .ceil and .floor

ruby math floor ceil

How can I make sure a float will always be rounded up with PHP?

Round minutes to ceiling using Java 8

Rounding to nearest fraction (half, quarter, etc.)

php rounding printf floor ceil

Rounding up to the second decimal place [duplicate]

php numbers rounding ceil