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New posts in cassini

How do you debug ASP.NET applications under IIS7 on Vista?

viewStateEncryptionMode="Always" not encrypting

Link to download Cassini source code?

webserver cassini

Visual Studio: How to make Cassini listen on ::1?

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Differences in behaviour between IIS and the ASP.Net Web Development Server?

asp.net iis cassini

Visual Studio creating IIS virtual directories when solution opened

Does the ASP.NET Development Server (a.k.a. Cassini) support SSL?

Which build of Cassini should I choose for production? There are 8 public builds from 5 different authors

Why is IIS slower than ASP.NET Development Server?

How do I use Fiddler to listen to the asp.net development server (i.e. cassini)?

JS,Images and CSS getting intercepted by HTTPModule

RegEx.Match is much slower in IIS compared to Development Server (Cassini)?

asp.net .net iis cassini

Is it possible to run classic asp on Cassini Webserver?

asp.net asp-classic cassini

IIS Express or Cassini

Starting .Net web service on the same port as the ASP.Net application

Membership.ValidateUser always return false on IIS

When exactly does Application_End get called and how can I manually cause this?

asp.net iis cassini

How to stop all cassini instances?

asp.net cassini

run Cassini from console

c# cassini

Cassini/WebServer.WebDev, NUnit and AppDomainUnloadedException

.net nunit cassini