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New posts in camera-calibration

What's the difference between reprojectImageto3D(OpenCV) and disparity to 3D coordinates?

Camera homography

bad Disparity map using opencv StereoBM

How to compute the rotation and translation between 2 cameras?

extrinsic matrix computation with opencv

Calculate Intrinsics for a Thermal Camera?

In a calibrated stereo-vision rig, how does one obtain the "camera matrices" needed for implementing a 3D triangulation algorithm?

Doubts in camera calibration

OpenGL/VTK: setting camera intrinsic parameters

Bad results when undistorting points using OpenCV in Python

OpenCV findChessboardCorners function is failing in a (apparently) simple scenario

OpenCV 2.3 camera calibration

camera calibration MATLAB toolbox

How to plot the camera and image positions from camera calibration data?

Describing nonlinear transformation between two images, using homography

OpenCV Stereo Camera Calibration/Image Rectification

Creating stereoParameters class in Matlab: what coordinate system should be used for relative camera rotation parameter?

Field of view of a GoPro camera

Is the depth image returned by Microsoft Kinect SDK already undistorted?

kinect camera-calibration