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New posts in cakephp-1.3

CakePHP, extensions and layouts

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Managing session between two cakephp app engine

CakePHP Media Plugin version 1.3, UUID filenames

cakephp cakephp-1.3

Save the Errors in Database instead of errors.log in cakePHP

How do I make cakePHP's form helper 'create' action use a custom id?

php forms cakephp-1.3 models

Why is saveAll() only saving the last record?

cakephp cakephp-1.3

Can I use dynamically created form fields with the Security Component in CakePHP 1.3?

CakePHP and Drupal 6 need to talk to each other, but how?

Cake bake model generation (hasOne vs hasMany)

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How to not require a required input


Disable CakePHP DebugKit

cakephp cakephp-1.3

CakePHP: virtual fields containing model related data fields

php cakephp cakephp-1.3

How do I remove the wrapping div from a Form input of type select-multiple

cakephp cakephp-1.3

cakephp select list showing ids instead of text

php cakephp cakephp-1.3

Configuration setting 'Security.level' in CakePHP 2.x still used?

How to call Controller action in another controller in cakephp?

CakePHP - problem with HABTM paginate query

CakePHP - Utility method for checking a string is a valid email address?

CakePHP GROUP and COUNT items returned in list

CakePHP Cookie/Session problems