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Building Haddock documentation without compiling the source

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Cabal installing quickcheck version problem

Need some explanation about Distribution.TestSuite

haskell cabal test-suite

Is there a maximum number of modules that can be compiled via Cabal?

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How do I find out why cabal chooses an old version of a library?

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Cabal failed to install package because it needs cabal

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Including C++ sources in a Haskell project

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Installing packages (via cabal) from "local hackage"

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Variable in Cabal (Haskell)

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cabal can't use http proxy

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Finding my executable in a Cabal test suite

haskell testing cabal

Does Cabal have a default target?

haskell cabal

Cabal: executable data-files

haskell cabal

Haskell cabal include static library

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Hooking up a build tool in Cabal (Haskell)

Including data files only in cabal test suites

haskell cabal

How to avoid recompiling in this cabal file?

haskell cabal

Using text-icu library in Haskell on Mac OS

haskell cabal icu

Haskell cabal-install errors

Specifying a custom remote-repo in a cabal sandbox

haskell cabal