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How to store/deal with data available to other classes in c#

c# class static

Issue with System.Spatial assembly

c# .net visual-studio-2012

Serialize multiple objects of different types into single XML using XDocument

WPF: Converter default value before DataContext set

c# wpf

Why does adjusting console buffer raise invalid handle exception when redirecting output?

c# windows console stdout handle

Inconsistent accessibility: property type __ is less accessible than property ___


C# / C++ application crashes when run from Windows, but not from Visual Studio

L={a^nb^m| n+m=k ,n,m>=0} with Regular Expression in C#

c# regex

ViewModel object needed in 2 projects Core and Web - Circular Dependancies

c# asp.net-mvc

How to get WindowsPrincipal from username and password

c# basic-authentication

How async / await can help in ASP.Net application?

Can I run a C# application on a Raspberry Pi?

c# raspberry-pi

Zoom in on a fixed point using matrices

c# winforms matrix

MVVM: How to make a function call on a control?

c# wpf mvvm

Converting DataView to DataSet

c# asp.net

In C# what is best practice when setting up a project with dependencies (e.g. class library or separate files)

c# dll

Make ASP.NET Identity 2.0 Email confirm token work for WCF and MVC

How to create a QR code image using Zxing on Windows Phone 8.1

async as a method result manager?

c# async-await

make HttpClient Request visual c# with request headers and body

c# httpclient