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New posts in c#-7.2

How to pin a generic Span<T> instance to work on it with Parallel.For?

c# .net cil c#-7.2

Generic class whose parameter extends a nested class

c# inner-classes c#-7.2

Should ReadOnlySpan<T> parameters use the "in" modifier?

c# performance c#-7.2

Why doesn't a local variable of type CancellationToken need initialization? [duplicate]

c# c#-7.2 system.memory

Change C# language version to 7.2 in vs-code on Linux

visual-studio-code c#-7.2

Why is casting a struct via Pointer slow, while Unsafe.As is fast?

Where is c# 7.2 in visual studio project settings?

Are readonly structs supposed to be immutable when in an array?

What is the point of the in modifier for classes

c# c#-7.2

How to make readonly structs XML serializable?

Why ref structs cannot be used as type arguments?

c# c#-7.2 ref-struct

Span<T> does not require local variable assignment. Is that a feature?

c# c#-7.2 system.memory

Using C# 7.2 in modifier for parameters with primitive types

How do I convert a C# string to a Span<char>? (Span<T>)

c# c#-7.2

Check if value tuple is default

c# c#-7.2 valuetuple

What is the use case for the (C# 7.2) "private protected" modifier?

What is the difference between Span<T> and Memory<T> in C# 7.2?

c# c#-7.2 system.memory

Why would one ever use the "in" parameter modifier in C#?

c# c#-7.2

What is the meaning of the planned "private protected" C# access modifier?