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New posts in c++98

template magic for wrapping C callbacks that take void* parameters?

c++ c callback c++98

Is value initialization part of the C++98 standard? If not, why was it added in the C++03 standard?

Forward declarations and shared_ptr

Mixing different C++ standards with GCC

c++ c++11 gcc c++98

Using boost::assign::list_of

c++ boost c++98

c++ array zero-initialization: Is this a bug, or is this correct?

C++11 Exception's destructor allows to throw now?

"Constant expressions" prior to C++11

Does std::vector::resize() ever reallocate when new size is smaller than current size? [duplicate]

c++ c++11 std c++03 c++98

Time complexity of removing items in vectors and deque

c++ vector deque c++98

Interface for returning a bunch of values

c++ c++11 c++98

Why is std::list bigger on c++11?

c++ gcc c++11 c++98

What is the correct way to initialize static data members in C++ (98, 11 and 14)

Vector of const objects giving compile error

c++ stdvector c++98

Default, value and zero initialization mess

c++ c++11 c++14 c++03 c++98

Are Exceptions in C++ really slow

c++ c++98