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New posts in bonjour

How does Windows know how to resolve mDNS queries?

NSNetServiceBrowser did not search with error -72008 on iOS 14

Codekit 2 doesn't resolve Bonjour Hostname after Yosemite 10.10 Upgrade

How to advertise a service using Bonjour across subnets?

How can I query .local bonjour DNS entries?

dns bonjour mdns

Can I trigger a mobile client to automatically launch a web browser when connecting to wifi?

setting up iPhone P2P only over bluetooth and without GKPeerPickerController

Is there a Bonjour SDK for Windows?

windows sdk bonjour

bonjour for iphone

iphone api bonjour

How to Transfer Large Files over wifi in iOS

iphone ios bonjour nsstream

Using Google Oauth2 webflow from iOS + Bonjour (Yikes!)

NSNetServiceBrowser/Bonjour issues on iOS

How bonjour discover devices on network?

c bonjour

LLMNR on Windows vs. Zeroconf vs. Bonjour

How do I obtain "model name" for a networked device (potentially using Bonjour)?

macos networking bonjour

How to get the list of all announced bonjour services on all available domains?

NSNetService delegates not being called

objective-c cocoa bonjour

any way to detect iPads or iPhones on wireless network? bonjour?

ios bonjour discovery

Ionic 2 cannot find module 'dgram'

node.js ionic2 bonjour

Can I use Bonjour from command line?

networking bonjour zeroconf