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Codekit 2 doesn't resolve Bonjour Hostname after Yosemite 10.10 Upgrade

After upgrading to Yosemite 10.10 via the AppStore (no new/clean install), I get a blank page when previewing a website with Codekit 2. In the "Server" tab the Bonjour Hostname in my case "lukas.local" is missing since the upgrade http://goo.gl/QduPqp.

Any ideas how to expose my Bonjour hostname correctly again? Thanks!

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Lukas Hillebrand Avatar asked Oct 20 '14 00:10

Lukas Hillebrand

3 Answers

Check your HostName - I had the same issue;

sudo scutil --get HostName

If you don't get back an expected result (ie. lukas.local) change it... along with the ComputerName and LocalHostName if they need changing...

sudo scutil --set ComputerName Lukas
sudo scutil --set LocalHostName lukas
sudo scutil --set HostName lukas.local

Restart the CodeKit servers.

Hope that helps someone at least.

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Matt Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 11:11


None of the other answers worked for me, but this did:

Go to Macintosh HD > Library > Preferences > SystemConfiguration and delete the following files:


Then reboot the Mac.

The host names should be recreated correctly.

(According to this page these are instructions provided by an Apple tech.)

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Jono Brain Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 10:11

Jono Brain

Here is a related blog post that discusses how your Bonjour network gets "poisoned" and how you can prevent it: http://furbo.org/2015/05/05/discoveryd-clusterfuck/

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Bryan Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 11:11
