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New posts in before-filter

How do I inspect the filter chain in rails (3.0.8)

Before filter in action mailer Rails 3

implement a rails before_filter in ruby without rails

Rails: prepend_before_action in superclass

before_save, strip a string

Rails 3 way of doing skip_before_filter, :only

before_filter with devise

How can I dynamically set a parameter in Symfony2?

Rails before_filter and action identification

How to skip before filters for json/xml requests in rails

:except not working in before_filter in application controller. Routing problem?

How to apply before_filter to every action of every controller in Rails 3.2.11?

Where to put a before_filter shared between multiple controllers

Skip before filter with Active Admin

Why is Rails before_filter called twice when the controller is subclassed?

RSpec in Rails: How to skip a before_filter?

Rails before_filter for specific actions in controller

Specify which controllers to exclude from before_filter

Is "proc" required with conditional before_action/before_filter?

before_filter not cancelling action