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How do I send an embed message that contains multiple links parsed from a website to a webhook?

python: Google Search Scraper with BeautifulSoup

Scrape just the text, within an html element that has a class, using beautiful soup

python beautifulsoup

Python Web Scraping (Beautiful Soup, Selenium and PhantomJS): Only scraping part of full page

lxml equivalent to BeautifulSoup "OR" syntax?

python beautifulsoup lxml

How do I parse through an infinite scrolling page (ex. Wallbase.cc/search/sky) with Python?

HTML parsing with BeautifulSoup 4 and Python

Replace text without escaping in BeautifulSoup

Can't scrape some elements off of zillow website

Login to instagram using python

How to scrape google maps using python

Using mechanicalsoup to set value of form element w/o a name

Access Google Trends Data without a wrapper, or with the API: Python

Generate a table of contents from HTML with Python

Which Microdata parser should I use in Python [closed]

BeautifulSoup scraping nested tables

How can I grab data series from xml or tcx file

python - web scraping an ajax website using BeautifulSoup

Unable to retrieve Chinese texts while scraping

Website to be scraped has varying class names