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New posts in batch-file

IF statement in Jenkins windows boolean parameter

windows batch-file jenkins

Batch file nested setlocal - setting optional arguments only once

windows batch-file

How to run a command from a batch file and immediately return?

Checking host reachability on windows command line

How to put variable value inside another variable name in batch?


How can I set a title that starts with comma, semicolon or equal sign?

batch-file cmd title titlebar

Batch file to remove first 18 chars from txt file

java windows batch-file

How to avoid "&" when creating file through batch file

batch-file syntax-error

Windows curl Batch file

Windows batch curl to variable

how to replace ! to %21 in batch elegantly?

windows batch-file cmd

How to pass escaped double quote to batch file

windows batch-file

Script not recieving url properly

Verifying MD5 hashes in Batch?

batch-file md5

Batch File Count all occurrences of a character within a string

batch-file cmd count increment

How would I go about backing up the Windows Application Log at a regular interval?

shutdown.exe parameters with dashes or slashes?

windows batch-file shutdown

How to get the current directory the file executed is in using batch of windows?

windows batch-file

How to run a python script without specifying the file extension (cross platform solution)?

Hiding a simple batch window