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Is there a way to make a shell become interactive in the middle of a script?

linux bash unix shell

In a shell (bash) How can I execute more than one command in a pipeline?

bash shell awk pipeline

Removing parts of a string that contain digit with SED/Perl

linux perl bash unix sed

bash execute a shell function after a change directory (cd)

bash scripting shell

Bash: call script with customized keyboard shortcuts?

bash script and command definition [duplicate]


Scp the Three Newest Files Using Bash

bash scp

Taking the results of a bash command and using it in python

bash: cat the first lines of a file & get position

bash file cat

BASH Wild-card : Select all variables (not the content)

bash shell

find the number of the field

bash shell unix awk

Intersection between text files

python bash text emacs grep

"" on $1, why does bash behave like this?


bash for loop work in command line, but failed in script

bash for-loop debian

How do I pass $@ as a single argument to another command in a bash function?


PHP Encrypt Data, Bash Decrypt it

php bash openssl encryption

Simple bash script using "set" command


Extract a .tgz into specific subfolder only if there are files in the tar that would extract to my CWD

bash tar

Bash environment variable that is equivalent to -x?

bash shell

Is there a way to open a series of new terminal window, and run commands in a single script?

macos bash unix terminal