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New posts in backbone.js-collections

Backbone Collection.add doesn't seem to work

how to Pass value From Collection to model in backbone.js

parse nested json to backbone collections

defining a new backbone collection

How To Find Triggered Event From Backbone.listenTo?

Backbone: firing an event only once on a Collection 'change'

Why doesn't Backbone Collection fetch return a promise

Collection add event listener in Backbone

Backbone.js - fetch method does not fire reset event

Best Practice for moving backbone model within a collection

Mapping JSON to backbone.js collections

How do I bootstrap a collection in Backbone.js using Javascript only

BackboneJS model.url using collection.url

Backbone collection where clause with OR condition

Backbone: How to update a collection view when collection changes?

Backbone Collection of polymorphic Models

Is it possible to initialise a backbone Collection with object IDs rather than objects?

What is the AngularJS equivalent to Backbone's Collections?

Retrieving index position of item added to Backbone.js Collection