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Collection add event listener in Backbone

I am trying to update my view whenever I add a new model to my collection. My first question is do I automatically add a model to my collection when I save that model, like:

PostsApp.Views.Form = Backbone.View.extend({
    template: _.template($('#form-template').html()),
    render: function(){
        'click button' : 'save'

    save: function(e){
        console.log("is this working");
        var newname = this.$('input[name=name-input]').val();
        var newadress = this.$('input[name=adress-input]').val();
        this.model.save({name: newname, adress : newadress});


or do I still have to do collection.add()

Other than that to see the new model in my view I am trying to add an 'add' event listener like this:

PostsApp.Views.Posts = Backbone.View.extend({
    initialize: function(){
        this.collection.on('add', this.addOne, this);

    render: function(){
        this.collection.forEach(this.addOne, this);

    addOne: function(post){
        var postView = new PostsApp.Views.Post({model:post});

This not only doesnt work, but when I add the initialize method, it just duplicates everything in my model when the page is first loaded.

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s_curry_s Avatar asked Jun 07 '13 20:06


People also ask

How do you trigger an event in the backbone?

Backbone. js trigger Event is used to invoke or callback the function for the given event or a space-delimited list of events. The subsequent arguments will be passed along to the event callbacks in order to trigger it.

How do you add an event listener once?

We can pass an object as an argument to the addEventListener method and specify that the event is only handled once. This is achieved by passing the property once to the object. If we set once to true, the event will only be fired once.

What is collections in Backbone JS?

Collections are ordered sets of Models. We just need to extend the backbone's collection class to create our own collection. Any event that is triggered on a model in a collection will also be triggered on the collection directly.

1 Answers

Nope.. When you do a model.save , it will just create a zombie model ( If it not already a part of the collection .i.e If a New model is saved) which is not a part of any collection.

So your add event will not be triggered for the collection.

If you want the add event to be triggered , Use the create method of collection , which then will know on which collection the new model has to be added..


Then it would internally add the model to the collection and fire the add event

Also it is a better idea to use listenTo instead of attaching events using on

this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.addOne);


PostsApp.Views.Form = Backbone.View.extend({
    template: _.template($('#form-template').html()),
    render: function () {
    events: {
        'click button': 'save'

    save: function (e) {
        console.log("is this working");
        var newname = this.$('input[name=name-input]').val();
        var newadress = this.$('input[name=adress-input]').val();
            name: newname,
            adress: newadress

PostsApp.Views.Posts = Backbone.View.extend({
    initialize: function () {
        this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.addOne);

    render: function () {
        this.collection.forEach(this.addOne, this);

    addOne: function (post) {
        var postView = new PostsApp.Views.Post({
            model: post,
            collection : this.collection
like image 166
Sushanth -- Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 16:10

Sushanth --