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"azure" not recognized in Azure powershell

How to configure github etc for Azure via Powershell

Azure Powershell - automating Login-AzureRmAccount AD Login - for Azure function

import Azure Devops pipeline variables from json file

Difference between Azure CLI and PowerShell

How to prevent error "WARNING: Unable to acquire token for tenant 'tenantid'" when running Powershell scripts in Azure


How to read and set DevOps Pipeline variables using Azure PowerShell?

Azure DevOps Pipeline Azure Blob Storage upload file 403 Forbidden Exception

How to include "Plan information" when creating ARM VM from a captured image using Powershell?

Is it possible to recycle app pool for a Azure web app

What is the difference between Login-AzureRmAccount and Connect-AzureRmAccount?

Azure Powershell cmdlets for 1.7, June 2012: what's happened to Get-OperationStatus?

List existing SASTokens on a container using Azure powershell

New-AzureRmResourceGroup : 'this.Client.SubscriptionId' cannot be null

Get-AzureADPolicy : The term 'Get-AzureADPolicy' is not recognized

How to get Access Policies of the Azure KeyVault using Azure PowerShell

Change Azure website web hosting plan mode using Powershell

Remove files and foldes on Azure before a new deploy from VSTS

"Could not find the module Az.Accounts with given version" error when running Azure DevOps job in Docker