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Java swing 1.6 Textinput like firefox bar

How can I ensure that an interface implementation extends a particular class?

Downcasting a Graphics instance - Why is it allowed?

How can I convert a JTS-Geometry into an AWT-Shape?

java geometry awt shapes jts

Make thread run on non EDT (event dispatch thread) thread from EDT

How to view everything running on the event thread

How to convert BufferedImage which has a ComponentColorModel to SWT ImageData?

java swt awt bufferedimage

BorderLayout - Control height but not width

java swing awt layout-manager

Getting Height and Width of Image in Java without an ImageObserver

GridLayout not honoring the number of rows I want per column

java.awt.image.BufferedImage 24-bit RGB to 8-bit Grayscale conversion using custom ColorSpace

Java AWT Threads

The best way of using graphics for games

java swing animation awt java-2d

Use of the java.awt.Dimension class

java awt rectangles dimension

How can I fade in a JPanel & children?

java swing awt jpanel fadein

How to implement oval GradientPaint?

How can I switch between jpanels?

java swing jframe jpanel awt

Why does my icon handling code throw a NullPointerException?

Is there a way to find out the class of form using eclipse?

java eclipse swing awt

add icon and text in JMenu in swing

java swing menu jframe awt