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New posts in aws-iam

Creating an IAM service role to allow Amazon Cognito to send SMS messages for MFA

Multiple Root accounts in single AWS organization: IAM admin can't see all EC2 instances in specified region

Cross-account deployement in AWS through Code-deploy service

Attach more than one IAM inline policy from cloudformation to the same role

Elastic Beanstalk instance profile not automatically created when using Terraform in eu-west-2 region

Use IAM role instead of credentials to create aws resource from an EC2 instance using terraform

Simulate Principal Policy using assumed role

Pgp key in terraform for aws_iam_user_login_profile

Lambda.InvokeAccessDenied from Kinesis Firehose

Where to find External Id for SmsConfiguration in Cognito user pool

Unable to access ECR repository from separate account via `docker pull`

Create a single IAM user to access only specific S3 bucket

Accessing AWS RDS using IAM Authentication and Spring JDBC (DataSource and JdbcTemplace)

Passing aws credentials to Docker

AWS - IAM Roles and Trust Relationships


Is it possible to specify a pattern for an AWS role Trust Relationship

DynamoDB multi-tenant IAM policy (sharing documents with other users)

What is exactly "Assume" a role in AWS?