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Is there any way to trigger a AWS Lambda function at the end of an AWS Glue job?

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How to overcome Spark "No Space left on the device" error in AWS Glue Job

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AWS Glue Crawler Creates Partition and File Tables

How AWS Athena deals with single line JSONs?

AWS Glue Data Catalog as Metastore for external services like Databricks

Can AWS Glue crawl Delta Lake table data?

AWS Glue and update duplicating data

AWS Glue Crawler Cannot Extract CSV Headers

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Glue crawler exclude patterns



How can I create a proxy to view a job on AWS Glue's Spark UI?

How to monitor and control DPU usage in AWS Glue Crawlers

Terraform AWS Athena to use Glue catalog as db

Is it required to run AWS Glue crawler to detect new data before executing an ETL job?

AWS Glue: crawler misinterprets timestamps as strings. GLUE ETL meant to convert strings to timestamps makes them NULL

Problems when writing parquet with timestamps prior to 1900 in AWS Glue 3.0

How to move data from Glue to Dynamodb

AWS Glue Crawler Classifies json file as UNKNOWN

Is there a way to run aws glue crawler after job is finished?