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New posts in terraform-provider-aws

Terraform Cognito User Pool gets recreated on every apply

Terraform external data source EKS thumbprint not working sometimes

Can we add an SNS topic from Terraform with Email subscription

How to fix cognito user pool domain destruction with terraform so the user pool could be re-created?

Terraform can't create a CloudFront's origin with a static S3 website endpoint

Adding a Postgresql role to a database after the RDS instance was created via Terraform

Terraform variable to assign using function

Extract security group id from security group name in terraform

Configuring source KMS keys for replicating encrypted objects

compute source code hash on pre-built ZIP file for lambda_module?

Terraform API Gateway HTTP API - Getting the error Insufficient permissions to enable logging

Terraform: Passing variable from one module to another

How do I create a custom Event Bus in AWS Event Bridge?

Terraform error `Inappropriate value for attribute "vpc_zone_identifier": element 0: string required.`

Build output map in terraform

aws_lb_target_group_attachment: attaching multiple instances to per target_group

AWS Config - Resource discovery stuck on "Your resources are being discovered"

How to get the most recent shared AWS RDS snapshot by id?

EKS: Unhealthy nodes in the kubernetes cluster