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New posts in awk

awk gsub using variable for pattern matching

linux awk

pattern match and replace the string with if else loop

python r awk sed

Convert WebVTT file from Youtube to plain text

bash awk youtube-dl webvtt

awk code to filter lines in one file according to matching conditions in another file

r awk

Convert Unix `cal` output to latex table code: one-liner solution?

perl bash shell sed awk

Print all lines between pattern where any line matches second pattern

regex bash sed awk

Strip whitespaces in AWK

linux bash awk

Matching last occurrence before a previous match

regex bash awk grep

Select lines based on value in a column

bash awk

Deleting a multiline block of text between regex pattern using sed

regex bash awk sed

Replace last occurrence of a character in a field with awk

regex bash awk

Detecting corrupt characters in UTF-8 encoded text file

sed substitution including newlines

regex awk sed

Shell script to show frequency of each word in file and in a directory

bash shell awk

number to string conversion with padding in awk


Messy bash variable

bash awk

How to separate fields with pipe character delimiter

bash sed awk pipe ash

awk sum a column and print that sum on each line of input

bash sed awk printf

Absolute value in awk doesn't work?

awk absolute

awk: find minimum and maximum in column

bash awk