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Deleting a multiline block of text between regex pattern using sed






I have a duplicated block of text I need to delete in a large xml file. I want to keep the first block and delete the second all within the same xml tag. For example:

 -- several lines of text
-- several lines of the same text

I'd like to delete the second block between the else and endif, and keep the keep the block between the if and else tags. Any help much appreciated - the script ends up deleting the entire file.

sed -i '/^<!--#else-->/ {p; :a; N; /^\<\!--\#endif--\>/!ba; s/*.\n//}; d' test.xml
like image 912
user2167052 Avatar asked Sep 29 '22 02:09


1 Answers

I think this should work for you

sed '/--#else--/,/--#endif--/{//!d}' test.xml

this will delete the lines between else and endif

if you want to delete else and endif as well use this:

sed '/--#else--/,/--#endif--/d' test.xml

in the case you mentioned in the comments try this:

sed -n '/--#else--/,/--#endif--/p' test.xml

-n is dont print by default and /p does the print while /!d does the delete

like image 99
aelor Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10
