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New posts in awk

Replace line after match

bash sed awk

Can you colorize specific lines that are grepped from a file?

bash perl awk sed

awk sub with a capturing group into the replacement

regex unix awk

sed - delete all characters before dash

bash sed awk

Extract lines with specific patterns in separate files

How can I remove leading and trailing zeroes from numbers with sed/awk/perl?

perl bash sed awk

how to merge two file with awk?


bash: how to delete last symbol

bash shell awk

awk: print first line of file before reading lines

bash awk

Replace every n'th occurrence in huge line in a loop

linux awk sed grep

awk or perl one-liner to print line if second field is longer than 7 chars

perl awk

Isolate the last octet from an IP address and put it in a variable

regex shell awk sed ip-address

Sorting Numerically with awk (gawk)

awk gawk

How to delete an entire row if a specific column contains a zero?

perl sed awk

add multiple lines at beginning of file

regex bash unix awk sed

Replacing all occurrence after nth occurrence in a line in perl

perl awk sed

Putting Two Consecutive Lines into One Line with Perl / AWK

linux perl unix text awk

Shell script numbering lines in a file

shell sed awk

Print last matching line?

bash awk