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Single column data to multiple columns

linux bash shell sed awk

Is awk a programming language or just a tool? [closed]

shell awk

If the last column is equal "R" then... Is it possible? In unix

Extracting only my function names from ELF binary

c linux shell awk readelf

Extract Maximum and minimum value using awk

shell unix awk

Change FS in AWK for multiple files

unix awk fs

egrep match version number using grep

regex unix awk sed grep

How to use `awk` to grep certain columns like these?

bash awk

Print first letter of each word in a line

bash awk sed

merge contents of two files into one file in bash

linux bash awk sed merge

How can I add x number of leading spaces in a string using Bash?

bash awk sed indentation

Using sed/awk to remove string from subsections

regex perl awk sed

Splitting a large, complex one column file into several columns with awk

bash awk field rows

Add delimiters at specific indexes

regex awk sed

awk: change field separator keeping first column as is

regex awk field

Find Everything between 2 strings -- Sed

shell awk sed grep

Why doesn't my awk one-liner work when I call it from Perl?

linux perl unix awk qsub

awk and printf in bash

bash awk printf

Perl, sed, or awk one-liner to change the format of the file

regex perl unix sed awk

convert month from Aaa to xx in little script with awk

awk type-conversion