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New posts in avcapturesession

Audio will make AVCaptureSession terminate

Capturing and manipulating microphone audio with AVCaptureSession?

iOS ARKit4 - how to fix white balance for the ARCamera?

AVCaptureMovieFileOutput causing wrong orientation when saving photo to Camera Roll

Double AVCaptureSession output on iOS

How do i save a video (mp4 format) using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput?

AVCaptureSession capture output crashing (AVCaptureVideoDataOutput) in IOS7

When using avfoundation - crop visible portion of captured image represented in display layer

What are all the resolutions of AVCaptureSessionPresetHigh for both back and front cameras?

Method to find device's camera resolution iOS

AVCaptureDevice Camera Zoom

Cropping AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer output to a square

AVCaptureSession Record Video With Audio

AVCaptureSession with multiple Outputs?