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New posts in authlogic

how can i authenticate users out of rails with authlogic?

ruby authlogic

How do I impersonate a user with AuthLogic

Rails 3 Devise grinds to halt with more encryption "stretches"

Authlogic accessing user id in session object

ruby-on-rails authlogic

type mismatch: String given - Trying to match strings in ruby

Configuring authlogic-oauth with google

How can I test authlogic's current_user in Cucumber?

cucumber authlogic

Log-in through authlogic without having to fill in form every time

cucumber authlogic capybara

Using authlogic_api for Rails REST API access

Ruby on Rails - request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] returns nil

ruby-on-rails authlogic

Authlogic throwing errors on Heroku

Authlogic Facebook Connect Snafu

#<UserSession: {:unauthorized_record=>"<protected>"}>

ruby-on-rails-3 authlogic

Getting error of undefined method 'valid_password?' with Authlogic

ruby-on-rails authlogic

Authlogic and Single Access Token

Prepend user ID to all log messages in Rails

Authlogic: generates "Email has already been taken" error twice

Authlogic's current_user object in models

ruby-on-rails authlogic

Authlogic and multiple sessions for the same user